Finca De la Paz


This tour allows us to know many of the secrets behind the Great Cigar. From the seed to its tasting.


Visitaremos nuestra finca ubicada en Bocana de Puriscal donde al llegar disfrutaremos de un rico café tico y seguidamente veremos todas las etapas y procesos que hacen posible de ver en dependencia de la estación (semillero, plantación, cosecha, secado), además de las visitas al despalillo y la manufactura. Nos trasladamos en bus hasta los distintos lugares a visitar:

  • Visit to a destemmer (stage between producer and factory, this is a very little known and very important process, since it is the place where the tobacco leaves are fermented and selected).
  • A tobacco factory (place where the elaboration of cigars is carried out).
  • After the tour we can quietly enjoy a great cigar accompanying him with his favorite drink.

The price includes:

Specialized guide and entrance to all places to visit. Tasting and tobacco.


  • It is recommended: light clothing, sunglasses, water, light meals with sweets and proteins, caps or hats, hard tennis shoes, hiking boots or sandals, as well as layers or other protectors for the rainy seasons, sun protection and camera.
  • It is recommended to bring a bottle of water.

Price: $75.00 USD